Saturday, January 26, 2013

Announcing...Baby Eason!

A wise friend (thanks Cathy) encouraged me to create a blog for pregnancy updates and news.  Besides, this is a great way for my family and friends back home in Wisconsin, and all over, to share in this great joy with us!  Eeeek!  I've never really had a blog, so I'm going to give this thing a whirl!

I'm currently 14 weeks and growing!  We were able to hear the heartbeat of our little nugget yesterday. How A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  

How big is the baby this week: Baby is the size of a lemon.  Measuring about 3 1/2 inches and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces
How far along? About 14 weeks
Due date: July 31st, 2013
Maternity clothes:  My pants are pretty uncomfortable.  I can't fit into any of my jeans.  I wear mostly leggings and some maternity pants
Stretch marks:  Nope
Best moment of the week:  Hearing the heartbeat
Sleep: I sure love sleep but I'm not getting enough.  I wake up A LOT!
Miss anything?  A bloody mary would be nice :)
Movement:  I think I've felt a small flutter here and there
Food Cravings: Tart fruit smoothies
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Not really, but I think I've developed a strange thing against chicken 
Have you started to show yet?  I have a tiny bump.  I think most of it's bloating.  ;)
Gender prediction:  Girl, Girl, Girl!
Happy or moody most of the time?  Moody...just ask Doug!
Looking forward to:  Finding out the baby's gender! 

Have a great day!  XOXOXO