Wednesday, February 27, 2013

18 weeks

How big is the baby this week:  Measuring about 5 1/2 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces!
How far along? 18 weeks
Due date: July 31st, 2013
The Bump:  Each morning it seems to get bigger.  I do notice people glancing at my belly.  I wonder if they are thinking "Wow, check out that gut!"  It's also time to start getting pedicures...BONUS!
Maternity clothes:  Mostly maternity clothes at this point.  Even my old larger tops don't look right 
Stretch marks:  None that I've noticed
Best moment of the week:  Actually 3 best moments!  We had a dr. appointment last Friday and were able to hear the heartbeat again.  We also heard lots of swishing, which meant the baby was a movin machine!  We also went furniture shopping and it was adorable to see Doug get so excited.  I've also felt the baby move even more!  
Sleep: Eh, sleep is ok.  I love lots of pillows!
Miss anything?  Not really.  I do miss being able to go out and get a beer on the weekends.  
Movement:  Some movement.  It's the strangest, yet most amazing feeling in the world! 
Food Cravings:  Same. Anything fruity and tart.  
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope
Symptoms:  A little more indigestion and acid reflux at night.   
Gender prediction:  It's getting so close but I really have no idea.  
Happy or moody most of the time?  I seem pretty sensitive, but most of the time, HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!
Looking forward to:  20 week ultrasound and revealing the gender!  

Have a great week!  

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