Wednesday, March 13, 2013

20 weeks - HALFWAY!

How big is the baby this week:  Baby is about 6 1/2 inches long (the length of a banana) and weighs 10 1/2 ounces
How far along? 20 weeks - Halfway there!  
Due date: July 31st, 2013
The Bump:  Growing quickly.  After reading many reviews on Mustela Double Action Stretch Mark cream, I decided to purchase a tube.  LOVE!  It smells good too.  I'm not a huge fan of the Cocoa Butter smell.  Keeps my belly feeling soft.
Maternity clothes:  I'm pretty much in all maternity clothes, except cardigans.
Stretch marks:  I haven't noticed any
Wedding rings on or off:  On
Best moment of the week:  Feeling the little nugget move a ton - SO COOL!
Sleep: Bleh...sleep is no good.  I started having heartburn this week, so that makes things uncomfortable during the night.  I think we have about 8 pillows on our bed and I use the majority of them.  
Miss anything?  A good night's sleep! 
Movement:  Feeling movement every day now.  
Food Cravings:  Fruit smoothies, Fruit, Orange Juice 
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope
Symptoms:  Hip aches at night, heartburn
Gender prediction:  I have absolutely no idea
Happy or moody most of the time?  I'm happy.
Looking forward to:  We find out Baby E's gender in a few more days!  

Have a great week!

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