Friday, June 21, 2013

34 weeks

How big is the baby this week:  This week he's is about 4 1/2 pounds and measures around 17 inches
How far along?  34 weeks and 2 days
Due date: July 31st, 2013 but he will be arriving on July 24th via c-section :)
The Bump:  Same.  I have been told by a few people this week that my belly looks small for only having a month left.  It feels huge to me though!
Belly button in or out?  Still flat.  
Wedding rings on or off:  ON!
Best moment of the week:  Doctor appointment on Wednesday.  I have been sick for 2 weeks with a cold and horrible cough and my doc finally put me on an antibiotic.  Thank GOD!  I am finally feeling some relief.  They think Marshall is measuring to be a 4-5 pound baby right now.  One month left!  We installed the car seat and it's so funny to look in the mirror and see it back there.  Surreal!
Sleep: Same.  With being sick for two weeks, it's been hard to get any sleep.  I have to be propped up to sleep due to coughing and acid reflux.  My left side is in so much pain from coughing that I can only sleep on my right side and even that hurts.  I pulled a muscle from coughing, so it's pretty uncomfortable.
Miss anything?  I miss my normal body.  :)  I am just ready to meet my son!
Movement:  Still so active all the time   
Food Cravings:  Eh, nothing really.   I drink lots of ice water and OJ.  I am obsessed with this Pomegranite/Blackberry Iced Green Tea.  I'm not too hungry these days at all.  I eat because I have to but there's no cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nada
Symptoms:  Other than my coughing from my cold, nothing.   
Labor Signs:   No 
Gender:  BOY!  
Happy or moody most of the time?  Happy Happy Excited!
Looking forward to:  Finishing up the nursery.  I'm just about done.  I am waiting on a few more items to finish.  I have to say, it's a pretty simple room.   My Mom arrives the day before Marshall is born and we are so excited to have her here for the birth and after!  It'll be such a special time.  Cannot wait!!!  

I have to share a couple pictures taken by my good friend Becky at my baby shower a couple weeks ago.  She and my sister in law put together a beautiful shower.  I want to thank them again for everything they did and to everyone who attended.  We are beyond blessed with wonderful people in our lives!

Have a great weekend!  

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