Thursday, June 6, 2013

32 weeks

How big is the baby this week:  This week our little man should be measuring roughly 16.7 inches long from head to heels and weighs about 3.75 pounds.
How far along?  32 weeks and 1 day
Due date: July 31st, 2013
The Bump:  Growing every week.  It looks lopsided half the time because he pushes out on my right side.   All the extra weight in front makes the littlest things so darn difficult.  
Belly button in or out?  Flat as a pancake
Wedding rings on or off:  On
Best moment of the week:  Doc appointment yesterday - we got to see him again.  He was sleeping at the time but his little mouth kept opening up.  So cute!   
Sleep: Hit or miss.  I wake up every hour to go to the bathroom, usually take about 30 minutes to fall back asleep and then repeat until 6am when I typically wake up.  It's just too uncomfortable at night.  I've been sleeping really warm too.
Miss anything?  Oh yeah.  I'm so out of breath it's ridiculous.  I cannot wait to have that back!
Movement:  Constant.  The movement has changed once again.  Larger movements and I feel his little feet tickling my tummy.  
Food Cravings:  Pretty much the same.  *see pic above :)
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Nope.  I'm so thankful that nothing has made me sick this whole pregnancy
Symptoms:  I have little coughing attacks once in awhile because of him sitting on my diaphragm.  Other than that, nada.    
Labor Signs:   No 
Gender:  BOY!  
Happy or moody most of the time?  Excited!  I'm so ready to meet my son!  It's surreal.  Feeling so blessed, so lucky and so incredibly happy!
Looking forward to:  The weekend - baby shower fun! My sis in law and friend are hosting a shower for me.  AND I also get to attend a baby shower for one of my dear friends.  We are only a week apart! 

Update from doc appointment:
Looks like baby Marshall will be here a week early.  He will arrive on July 24th via c-section.  We are beyond excited to meet him in 48 short days! AND my Mom will be here for the birth!  

1 comment:

  1. My belly was always lopsided, too! Little man always had his butt and back pressed up against my left side, making it poke out SO much more. I have the stretch marks to prove it! haha

    You look fabulous!
