In love with these zinc letters from Anthropologie that I got for Marshall's room. They were kind of a pain in the rear to hang but I think I did a decent job. (Just don't ask me how many times I had to cover up nail holes with spackle, re-paint and then re-hang.)
Enjoying these quiet mornings with my iced coffee and laptop. :) Dogs are outside, my favorite movie is on in the background (Father of the Bride) and I'm finding lots of great recipes on Pinterest!
I'm so sentimental these days about Doug and I becoming parents together to our little boy arriving on July 24th. Just the thought of seeing him with our sweet boy sleeping on his chest, makes my heart go pitter patter. I love this handsome guy and I am so grateful for this blessing we are about to receive.
Loving this picture & quote I came across on Pinterest. This year has been a bit crazy. However, reading this made me laugh and made me realize that I cannot let negativity get the best of me!
I'm obsessing over this dress from The Limited. I cannot wait to be back into my normal size clothes, after I lose a little baby weight of course. I look at this cute dress and think "date night with the hubby," I just love it!
Hope ya'll have a Happy Friday and a great weekend! Our weekend consists of pool time and relaxing. We only have two weekends left completely to ourselves. ;)
Your baby is coming so soon! I'm so excited for you! Mine is Due Aug 23rd! Congrats! You look great!! found your blog through the link up!! super dang cute! just catching up on the rest of your posts! :)
Thanks so much Karly! I will have to go check out your blog. I love this Five on Friday link up - I'm getting to meet so many fabulous ladies and check out some super cute blogs! Congrats to you as well! :)